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Music is a puppet

pull it out of the box

make it dance and sing

do everything you want it to

to never say no

because you should be in control

not let the puppet master you. 


But then during the dark of silence

let it come to you

lie with it feel its undulations

the pulse that never lies

knowing that the music puppet never dies. 




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Wed 17th Jan 2024 13:29

Thanks each and every one for liking this: Tom, Hugh, Jordyn, Stephen A. Holden, Manish, Jon and Carlton.

You're right about that Graham, and we are subservient to the impulse it creates. Who could forget Baker Street intro, White Shade of Pale riffs and thousands of familiar sounds just like the childhood smells no longer with us. The puppet is restless for sure. Being an ex pro I was never haunted too much, as repetition was just a way of life.

Uilleam, sounds like you need help - it can be a sort of addiction, but what a great one and good for us on all levels of course!

Wise words Stephen, and if you read my Hopscotch there is so much about the business in there, shades of which you have picked up and confirmed in your comment. Thanks so much... Ray.

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Stephen Gospage

Tue 16th Jan 2024 08:08

It's a good point, Ray. Great music is created by a combination of inspiration, effort and practice, but then the rest of us get to sit back and enjoy it without having to provide any such input. A good argument for paying proper royalties and supporting musicians.

Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Mon 15th Jan 2024 11:30

Some pieces of music have me in floods of tears, whilst some make me want to dance and sing like like a giddy child.
The writers / composers are always pulling the strings!

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Graham Sherwood

Sun 14th Jan 2024 12:11

Oh Ray, I think you've opened up a very big can of worms here. Music gets into people whether they like it or not!
For example, why does one suddenly break out into a version of the intro to Layla without any forewarning, why?
That bloody puppet has a lot to answer for!

Great piece by the way!


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