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Journey ahead

Isabella had grown up hearing stories of the divine promises and prophecies that would come true. She was told that if there was light, then love would not be far away. As she navigated through the darkest alleys and tunnels, she was determined to find the light at the end and with it, love.


The journey had been long and treacherous. Isabella had faced countless obstacles, both physical and emotional. She had been tempted by devils who had sown thorns all along her path, trying to lead her astray. But with faith and determination, she pushed forward, always keeping the light in her sight.


There were moments when she was ready to give up, exhausted from the struggles she faced. But then, she would remember the divine promises and the prophecies that had brought her on this journey. She knew that she could only reach her destination if she continued on.


Despite the challenges, Isabella found strength in the divine guidance that never left her side. Whenever she strayed from the right path, the universe would send storms and tsunamis to redirect her towards her destined future. The inner voice that continuously whispered to her, guiding her way, also gave her the clues to live a fulfilling life.


With each hurdle she overcame, Isabella felt a sense of internal victory. She learned to celebrate and appreciate every step she took, no matter how small. Even in her lowest moments, when she was broken and alone, she remembered the divine voices that had motivated her to pick herself back up.


Isabella began to understand that she didn't need anyone else to support her. She had to be her own guardian, her own shoulder to cry on, and her own cheerleader. And she wasn't alone, because the divine connection always enveloped her, creating a fortress of protection, safety, and happiness around her.


As time passed, Isabella grew stronger and wiser. She used her past experiences to build upon her weaknesses and become a stronger version of herself. She no longer needed anyone else to complete her, for she was enough on her own. She embarked on a solo journey to conquer the world, armed with her own army, crowd, and universe within.


The divine promises and prophecies had indeed come true for Isabella. The light that she had been following for so long had led her to the love that she had always been searching for - self-love. And with that, she found true happiness and fulfillment in life.


◄ Brave hearts

Trust issues ►


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Fri 19th Jan 2024 10:32

Beautifully expressed Nigel. Thank you🌷

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Nigel Astell

Fri 19th Jan 2024 08:13

Whispering path
inner voice

Devil attacks
evil stirs

Broken spirit
voice surge

Self-love search
happiness recovers

Divine promises
prophecies found.❤

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