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Trust issues

In this world where trust can often fray,
I've always found it easy to convey,
For the trust within me is divine,
A blessing bestowed, so serene and fine.

When I feel ignored, I gently retreat,
No harm in giving others what they seek,
Perhaps they'll find a treasure untold,
A gem, a gift, serendipity unfold.

I never push beyond a certain bound,
Until a connection is surely found,
But once brokenness invades my soul,
Holding on becomes an empty role.

When my spirit feels a strong allure,
I scrutinize intentions, so pure,
For a spiritual bond must take flight,
A healthy liking, a guiding light.

Within our midst, diverse souls reside,
Players, dreamers, heartbreakers beside,
Lovers, friends, spiritual mentors too,
To each, I respond, in ways that are true.

Trust, a virtue cherished deep within,
More than seeking, I believe in,
When actions align with words sincere,
Any sane soul would trust, without fear.

And if I place my trust in someone's care,
It's without ifs and buts, I dare,
My heart reflects the words they profess,
For within, I sense their truthfulness.

So trust, my dear, is not an issue I face, 
For the chunk of trust, I embrace. 
And open arms, I journey in kind,
With trust and love, forever entwined.


◄ Journey ahead

Love unblocked ►


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Fri 19th Jan 2024 10:31

Thank you Nigel and Paige💐

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Fri 19th Jan 2024 09:16

You have a beautiful way with words, I enjoy reading your work very much

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Nigel Astell

Fri 19th Jan 2024 08:20

A true bonded connection
keep pushing forward thinking
trust is never far away.❤

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