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My Life is Like Living on a Ship

(This is a Poem by my friend and former contributor, Larisa Rzhepishevska of Odessa, Ukraine, who wanted to post this on the occasion of the passing of her friend, Dave Dunn (also, I recollect a former contributor on here) but was unable to access her account to do so. I was more than happy to post her poem on my page).


I can’t look at this world anymore

It looks different from what it was before

It’s hard for the Earth to bear all the events

It had already forgotten about kind hands.


Trouble is an excuse for the terrible truth

You can recognise an enemy or a youth

God looked at this world with horror

He looked at the slaves from Tora.


Some people kept indifferent

They walked without seeing the others

Blaming for the mistakes of the mothers

Some people were just arrogant.


I have already seen people being so smart

Pretty on the outside and empty in the heart

An evil closed the door to the humans’ kindness

Not caring about simple happiness.


Having rated each other not by our soul

But how much is the price of your role

There won’t be any more paradise on the Earth

Only with those who all the time curse.


Isn’t it better to go for a nice walk

Isn’t better to have a nice talk

Let it be simple onion tifts

Than very expensive gifts.


Leaving this world we must leave something

We shouldn’t be the ones who are just passing

I wish I had more time to live on this land

To give others my helpful hand.


Grief came into my country and life

And I have no strength to strife

Some ran away, they were styled

I saw them off and smiled.


My life is like living on a ship

I live with those who enjoy my trip

I respect those who sow goodness

I love those who bring happiness.



◄ WRONG ROAD ROUN' (An Urban Villanelle)



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Stephen Gospage

Sun 7th Apr 2024 21:24

It was a pleasure to read your poem, Larisa. I visited Ukraine several times in the 1990s and have been writing a series of poems on the war in Ukraine (from the comfortable position of an outsider, of course). I am impressed by how many Ukrainian poets are keeping the flame of hope burning.

I hope we can get the profiles opened up soon.

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Larisa Rzhepishevska

Sun 7th Apr 2024 11:07

Hi, dear Stephen!
Thank you so much for commenting. So, I've read that you were here in Ukraine. I wanted to write a comment but your profile is closed for me.

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Stephen Gospage

Sun 7th Apr 2024 06:51

I was so happy to read this wonderful poem, Larisa. With everything you must be going through, you are still able to reflect gloriously on life and on dear, departed friends. More power to you and to everyone in Ukraine.

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Larisa Rzhepishevska

Sun 7th Apr 2024 05:09

I am so happy to see my old friends here. M.C. Newberry. I remember you, my friend. Thank you so much for the comment. Yes, you are right. I found a friendly shore. And now my soul is calm.
With warmest wishes,

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M.C. Newberry

Sat 6th Apr 2024 18:32

Being caught up in unrelenting war
Like a ship in search of a friendly shore,
While buffeted by violent storns
From merciless nature in its worst forms,
Can see the soul steer its own safe path
Evading the tempest's awful wrath,
With the aim of securing a peaceful port
And refuge from the storm's onslaught!

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Larisa Rzhepishevska

Sat 6th Apr 2024 14:26

Dear Rose, I am so happy you remember me and that you liked my poem. I am sure now that we'll overcome the difficulties. I have so many friends here.
With love and warmest wishes,

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John Coopey

Sat 6th Apr 2024 14:11

Delighted for you, Larisa, that this has been so well received.

Rose Casserley

Sat 6th Apr 2024 12:47

Nice one Odessa girl! hope you are managing to cope considering what your city is at present undergoing

yes I well remember David Dunn
a very nice kindly person who had commented on so many of my old poems

also hope your posting problem gets sorted
it can be so bloody frustrating trying to get through the signing in process

take care love
and do keep in touch

Rose 💋

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Larisa Rzhepishevska

Sat 6th Apr 2024 12:08

Thank you so much for commenting, David. But your profile is also closed for me.

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David RL Moore

Sat 6th Apr 2024 11:15

Thank you for posting...

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Larisa Rzhepishevska

Sat 6th Apr 2024 11:09

Maybe someone else will comment. LoL

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Larisa Rzhepishevska

Sat 6th Apr 2024 11:07

Thank you so much, John! Now I can even comment. Funny. As I said before, it looks as if you are the only person with his profile being open for me.

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