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2024: Trev does another National Poetry Month in Texas and NaPoWriMo: Part 5 Midland

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Image: Working replica of Shakespeare's Globe Theater in Odessa West Texas, used for open mic community events as well as Shakespeare plays and is situated on the campus of Odessa College. Thanks to the diligence and determination of two friends Kat and Bonnie, I was invited to perform there at short notice, I did and the accoustics were great. As well as the theater, the complex also has a replica of Anne Hathaway's cottage.



12.04.24 – 88:56) Comfy bed really nice,

Good night’s sleep only woke up twice

Time to raise my head get out of bed an’ face the day ahead

First it seemed right to text Bonnie and thank her for last night

The thoughts of breakfast, shall I count the pennies

No durn it I’ll go to Denny’s

The eatin’ venue with a 55+ menu.

Breakfast ordered, eaten, hunger sated, time abated

So for the time being let’s go do some sight seeing


89:57) Away I’m bound, I20 Wildlife Preserve found

One of my favourite places, among the Texas open spaces

Takin’ photos to tell the story of Man’s conservation glory

An’ hope probably in vain I’ll see the Bobcat again

I’m enjoyin’ the air ringin’ to the sound of the birds singin’

Once again the Bobcat ain’t been seen

But it’s left a reminder to show it’s been


90:58) Library once more, upload my latest score

An’ more it’s goin’ fine till my phone goes off line

No service given, with frustration riven

Not caught on the hop, google the nearest T Mobile shop

It’s found to it I’m bound, didn’t take long, back online everything fine

Answer the calls I’ve missed, clear the voicemail list

Then once me away to enjoy the rest of the day


91:59) Bonnie sends me a text, what to do next

Lunch comes to mind a restaurant we find

I call at her house we finally get in touch with Kat

She’s not well but tells us of an event an’ where it’s at

Phone calls made information received

What happened next couldn’t have been believed

A reply to Bonnie's voicemail did regale

To our delight said “Yes we’d love to have Trev tonight”

Call returned where it was I learned

Meal deferred to another time, an’ I set off once more to share my rhyme


92:60) It seemed a case of get your butt in gear, an' get yourself over here

Took what poems I had an’ sped, along the road that led

To Odessa gps led me right to a street named after an English Playwright

Gettin’ there in time, to share my rhyme

Aaron the host says “welcome I’ve got you a slot, just give it all you got”


93:61) Came the time to share my rhyme

From my chair I alighted an’ was delighted

The acoustics I found made my voice resound loud an’ clear without fear

The audience seemed delighted as I recited d

From the start speakin’ form the heart. Lettin’ it go I’m in full flow

The venue’s The Globe, the street’s called Shakespeare

My poems are comin’ through loud an’ clear

Applause at the end I could tell it went well

I sure had a ball an’ it all started with one phone call


94:62) Still feeling dazed, so amazed

How it went, my unexpected poetry event

So much talent therein, all for the sharin’

Poetry, song, dance, prose, comedy an’ more

Entertainment fresh an’ raw

From each faction, creativity in action

Each givin’ our heart an’ I was glad to take part

Knock ‘em dead kid, I like to think “Isure as hell did “

Evenin’s gone well now relax an’ listen to Pachelbel

Cos’ come beg steal or borrow I got another open mic tomorrow


13.04.24 – 95:63) I awake an’ find memories of last night still in my mind

Great time had, the best of Odessa an’ the Yorkshire lad

I reflect an’ smile, gonna remember it for a while

But I gotta stir myself soon,

I got an open mic at Louie’s Place this afternoon


96:64) Text did regale news of a huge garage sale

Thought “Oh joy, now for some wit from the Yorkshire Boy”

Would they be feeling sore?

When I texted back “What do I need a huge garage for?”

At least one found it funny I could tell, they texted back “lol “


97:65) Once more computer work one, once more to Odessa I run

No rush but things need to be seen an’ done

An’ soon, before Louie’s place this afternoon

The Globe an’ Ann Hathaway’s Cottage, pictures I’m takin’

For a Facebook album I’ll be makin’. When I get home about my roam

Cast rehearsing for a Shakespeare play I wish ‘em good luck, then I’m away

Odessa County Library get the admin on track

An’ a staff member remembers me an’ says “good to see you back “


98:66) Louie’s Place, once more the place to be

For music an’ poetry

As we go for the second year in a row

Laurel, Tarja, Bonnie, hopefully others an’ me

Get to be recitin’ an; singin’ an’ hopefully get the room ringin

Me an’ Luis hug in greetin’ He asks what you wanna be eatin’

I say “your bison burger takes some beatin”

It comes I taste it an’ one things plain, it’s just as good again

So we recite an’ sing it all goes well, then Luis gets up to tell

The Chanunpa story like so many before, comin’ to the fore

Speaking of the mystery of Native American History

We were enraptured, our imagination captured

After he was done we carried on, joined by another one

Caleb came to the fore to read a score

Encore he was bid an’ did, poems of gladness an’ sadness

Audience captured and enraptured

Makin’ it plain it would be good to hear him again

Audience growin’ as if they were knowin’

Something good was goin’ on people performing from the heart

An’ they wanted to be a part

It was great in the main, an’ yes we did get to hear Caleb again


14.04.24 – 99:67) Louie’s Place went great, over too soon

I decided on a lazy afternoon then let the evenin’ flow to a local park I go

Called for gasoline I was dejected twice my card rejected

Gonna be shocked if it’s blocked

But no, it worked perfect this mornin’ when I got a breakfast to go


100:68) Once more away for the first part of the day

I20 Preserve where I’m gonna be, enjoyin’ some time for me

Enjoyin’ the tranquility on my own, hear a guy talkin’ on his cellphone

He goes quiet, I’m on the boardwalk and he sees me

An’ stops to wave an’ say “have a nice day”

So what do I do, I simply say “you too”

The air rent with wild flowers scent

On the path it’s fun, watchin’ the lizards skitter in the mornin’ sun

I look at a space where it’s droppin’s tell me the Bobcat’s still there

Soft to the touch* don’t tell me much

Unless it wants me to know, it was here a few days ago

*I used a stick to check


101:69) From the preserve I text Bonnie so she’ll know

If she doesn’t see me she can tell the emergency services where to go

I20 Preserve enjoin the tranquility an’ sun, text her again when I’m done

Then she an’ her bunch ask where for lunch

Heroes is closed but we don’t get the blues I text back “let the lady choose “

La Bodega chosen a case of can you eat Mexican

As usual it’s “of course I can” To it I’m bound, it’s soon found

Her friends are there I’m introduced, menu produced

We order a dish from South of the border

Chilli rellenos, Bonnie says “It’s not hot despite its name”

She orders it I do the same

It was a delight an’ the portion just right

Good eatin’ chattin’ with her friends sure took some beatin’

We talk about our pasts our here and now, great time had an’ how

An’ one thing more I’ll tell, comin’ away I got some cheap gasoline as well


102 – 70) Bonnie suggests I go and see

Midland Museum of Southwest Texas on Sunday’s it’s free

Seems like a plan for a count the pennies Yorkshireman

There I run in the hot afternoon sun

My way round outside I’m makin’ more pictures to be takin’

Then inside the children's museum to take more

I get talkin’ say what I am an’ read a poetry score

One man goes on to say, he served with the US military in the UK

An’ still, remembers his time fondly in Harrogate at Menwith Hill

Pictures of children don’t want parents to fear the worst

Always ask their permission first

Then take one of a dad, maybe he’s rememberin when he was a lad

Then to the Planetarium, the place for kids to learn about space

Where I find, something to stimulate a young mind

Helping them to yearn to learn and know as they grow

Then I notice camera battery getting low

Charge it for tomorrow if not there’ll be sorrow

Like there was when I didn’t do it last year

Charge it now an’ there’s nothin’ to fear


15.04.24 – 103:71) This mornin’ sky’s grey a cool start to the day

May bring rain but I won’t complain

Cos’ I’m enjoyin’ my roam of my spiritual poetry home

Writin’ many a poetry score, an’ tomorrow I’ll hit the road once more

But for now give the engine some gun as I run

Along I20 as I go to Monahans an’ KCKM Radio


104:72) Drivin’ steady so I’m ready

An’ prepared for any eventuality don’t want to be scared

When along comes Harley Guy through the traffic weaving,

I’m thinkin’ ride careful buddy, don’t want your friends an’ family grievin’

So I offer a prayer an’ say (God guide him safely on his way)


105:73) Got KCKM playin’ no delayin

Comin’ through on the air an’ soon I’m there

An it’s “Oh my” cos’ I got their WiFi

There’s a message from home, my family have begun their holiday roam

Tellin’ me they’ve got to where they want to be

Now it’s wait a while relax an’ smile

About what’s comin’ when I go for my interview on KCKM 1-3-3-0


106:74) The studio we’re in now let the show begin

Introduction goes ok an’ were away

I’m sharin’ my rhymes an’ stories about my travellin’ times

I read a score about the First World War

Then one about D-Day an’ a Salutin’ Boy hopin’ the listeners will enjoy

Poems about diversity an’ equality, an’ imagination fired, by music inspired

Sayin I was doin’ this show for the third year in a row

We’re done for now an’ I’m away to see what’s for lunch today

The Senior Center, pulled pork how good it looks

An’ it’s a snip at only five bucks


107:75) Lunch done some recording to do, shouldn’t take long

Poems inspired by country song, the relevant song then added on

They’re done, final photos taken then away I run

Wonderin' where could be my usb

Time would tell it was back at the motel

It’s found an’ once more to the library bound

For the last time, in Midland to upload my rhyme

Then a drive down a road with the name of my hometown

Fill up with gas, a meal then away

Take photos of a park I visited the other day

Ducks is ok but turtles are decidin’ get near ‘em an’ they go into hidin’

Back to the motel bags packed ready to load,

Tomorrow once more I hit the road

But for now relax a while, listen to music an’ smile

Thinkin’ what great time I’ve so far had

An’ how West Texas seems to have taken to the Yorkshire Lad


◄ 2024: Trev does another National Poetry Month in Texas and NaPoWriMo: Part 4 Austin to Midland

2024: Trev does another National Poetry Month in Texas and NaPoWriMo: Part 6 Midland to Edinburg ►


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