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Lessons learnt

Dorothy sat on her bed, surrounded by the soft glow of fairy lights that adorned her room. The events of the past swirled in her mind like a whirlwind, each memory flashing before her eyes with vivid clarity. She pondered over the lessons she had learned from all that had transpired in her life, trying to discern which ones to cherish and which ones to let go.


As she reflected back on the days when everything seemed so confusing, Dorothy couldn't help but feel a pang of regret for the grave circumstances that had unfolded due to misunderstandings. She knew the facts were clear to her, but others around her failed to see things as they truly were.


One thing Dorothy was certain of was never to seek answers through black magic or spirits. She had encountered friends who dabbled in such dark arts, using spirits to pry into people's private lives. Despite some of them being believers in God, they chose not to rely solely on divine guidance. Dorothy made a firm decision never to associate with those who resorted to such methods again.


Betrayal also left its mark on Dorothy's heart as she recalled friends who had used her trust for their financial gain. Although she had introduced them to opportunities for success, they ultimately turned their backs on her. While she wished them well, she vowed never to befriend them again.


The memories of those who had mistreated her during vulnerable moments also lingered in Dorothy's mind. They lacked empathy and wisdom, resorting instead to cruelty towards the weak. Their actions revealed their true nature, and Dorothy knew they would only grow more wicked with time.


Through these experiences, Dorothy emerged wiser and more discerning about whom she allowed into her life. She understood the importance of choosing companions wisely and not blindly following those who harbored darkness within.


Love remained a mystery for Dorothy as she navigated through life's uncertainties. Yet, she found solace in knowing that pure love came from God and His chosen servants. With this belief guiding her heart, Dorothy embraced a newfound sense of direction and purpose.


Armed with valuable lessons learned along the way, Dorothy embarked on a journey towards self-discovery and growth. She stood firm in her convictions and vowed never to repeat past mistakes as she forged ahead into an uncertain future filled with hope and possibility.


◄ Slipperstale

Fearlessly empowered ►


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Nigel Astell

Tue 20th Aug 2024 21:01

He listens to us and then we pray once more before we act😎

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Tue 20th Aug 2024 12:19

It's only God who can back us up everytime, each day for lifetime

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Nigel Astell

Thu 6th Jun 2024 13:00

Dorothy is making wise moves in finding trust with God to back her up.😎

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