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Slippers are used variously,

A humble gift from Mother Nature's stall.

They cushion our steps and guard our toes,

As we journey through life's winding rows.


Bathroom slippers, we don in haste,

After a long day's slumber or a warm bath.

The soft terry cloth or fuzzy fur,

Protects our soles from tile's cold, hard sting.


Room slippers, too, we find their place,

Inside our homes, beneath our lace.

We pad about, in cozy comfort,

As if the carpet were an extension

Of our very soul.


Poolside slippers, a different breed,

Designed for wet and slippery needs.

Their non-skid bottoms keep us steady,

As we wander 'round the pool so merry.

They are the perfect accessory,

For those who don't fancy going barefoot, you see.


And then there are the bag slippers,

A fun and whimsical sight to see.

They may look soft and harmless, to be sure,

But they can pack quite a punch, or so I've heard.

They keep paranoid clowns at bay, the tale is told,

And protect us from their narcissistic allies fold.


So here's to slippers, dear and small,

A humble footwear, yet so tall.

They serve us well, in every role,

And make our lives a little less of a toil.


◄ Barking dogs seldom bites

Lessons learnt ►


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Mon 3rd Jun 2024 03:38

Thanks M.C. I'm glad you enjoyed this poem.😊

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Mon 3rd Jun 2024 03:37

That's the favourite piece of every dog. Although we need new slippers but this game is hilarious.
Better walk barefoot Nigel 😀

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M.C. Newberry

Wed 29th May 2024 15:36

An enjoyable "nod" to the simple often unspoken "servants" of
our lives.

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Nigel Astell

Wed 29th May 2024 13:51

In a dozy state while waking up
I curse and turn the air blue
Finding only the one to put on
My dog watching smiles while gripping tight
Stepping back as I grab it quick!😎

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