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Known Eyes

Sometimes your problems

Seem very small,

When compared to

Someone who manages

To rise every dawn

After every dusk’s fall.


One such personality

Dutifully delivers

To unknown locations,

While a large chunk

Of his mind worries

About fund allocation;

Drenched in rain,

Or stuck in traffic,

He makes sure to

Deliver our picks.


Consecutive months

Of hospital, galantamine,

And nursing bills

Had begun to make

His conscience ill;

There were hardly

Any improvements

Highlighted in the file.

On such saddening days,

He’d wear a gentle smile

Just to make all the

Sufferings feel fine.


On the arrival of night,

He rushes back home,

To switch-on the lights

Of love and memory,

And with a glint of hope,

Looks into a pair

Of known eyes

That gazes at him

For a long, long while,

But fail to recognize.



◄ Massacre

The Great Pile ►


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Manish Singh Rajput

Tue 2nd Jul 2024 13:59

Thank you very much, Stephen A.😊

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Stephen Atkinson

Mon 1st Jul 2024 20:01

A beautifully conveyed piece 👏

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Manish Singh Rajput

Mon 1st Jul 2024 18:08

Thanks a lot for your most generous comments, Graham and Tim, and to all those who liked this poem. It means a lot to me.

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Tim Higbee

Tue 25th Jun 2024 14:05

It is a gut-wrenching experience when faced with that reality for a loved one. A well composed bit of the brutality life can force upon us. Very good poem, Manish

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Graham Sherwood

Mon 24th Jun 2024 17:31

acutely heart-wrenching Manish

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