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The Great Pile

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There is something about May,

Things that seem promising,

Fail to stall or stay;

Half of me has faded

Like the half-moon,

While the other half

Frantically foresees June

Arriving pretty soon.


My heart’s filled

With an unnamed feeling,

And to say that

I’m not the only one to be

Carrying it would be

The safest thing to say.


But who am I to say?

This feeling has stripped me

Off my true personality.

Soon, I might lose

My complete identity.


To the outside world,

Nothing has noticeably changed,

I’ve been a standout performer

In the societal game,

All I have to do is smile

To hide the great pile.


But from the inside,

I continually blame

Myself for sabotaging

A keepable connection

Fearing past’s reflection.


There’s an unread

Wedding invitation mail

That reminds me of how

I’ve miserably failed,

Seeing her with someone else

Would be my end.


I masquerade and pretend,

But she’s the only one

Who’d know that

There’s part of me

That I couldn’t mend.


So much behind this smile,

That thinks that it could

Hide the great pile,

Maybe from the world,

But never from her,

For she knows it all,

And had equally

Witnessed the fall.


And with a slow stir

Of my drink,

I gaze at the half-moon

Without a blink,

It reminds me of

The arrival of June…

I’ve got a wedding

To attend very soon.



◄ Known Eyes

Final Slide ►


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Manish Singh Rajput

Tue 2nd Jul 2024 14:05

Thank you very much, Tim. You are very kind and I fully agree with you that life is indeed an endurance test most of the times.🥀

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Tim Higbee

Mon 1st Jul 2024 22:54

Life is like an endurance test sometimes. We're challenged to see just how much we can take before collapsing. The situation in this poem would certainly be a test. 😱

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