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Dallas Mirabilis

Someone hatched a murder plan
In nineteen sixty three
(Which was soon for Lyndon B )
Involving a knoll and a rifleman
Who was (or was not) named Lee.

There might (or might not) have been anyone
In the pay of the CIA
Who hid not far away,
Who duly prepared (or did not) a gun
For the scalp of JFK.

Who might (or might not) have aimed it down
And shot him in the head;
So Lyndon Johnson said,
Since Kennedy seemed to have lost his crown
He'd put it on instead.

So life was never better than
In nineteen sixty three
(At least, for Lyndon B )
Because of a knoll and a rifleman
Who was (or was not) named Lee.


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Stephen Gospage

Wed 17th Jul 2024 08:51

This works brilliantly as a Larkin spin-off, Marnanel, and you do a great job in the rhythm by balancing fact and conspiracy (not to mention Oliver Stone).
A great read, thanks.

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John Coopey

Tue 16th Jul 2024 21:39

They say it's one of those few moments in a lifetime when you can recall exactly where you were and what you were doing when you heard. It always struck me as a bit odd that someone could walk up and shoot Oswald while he was surrounded by policemen.
Great poem.

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M.C. Newberry

Tue 16th Jul 2024 17:09

I still recall the image of the scene on board the presidential
'plane of LBJ taking the oath of office with a certain politician in
the background "tipping him the wink".

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