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Once you stood up there And you didn’t have a care

Knowing that the outcome’s in the bag;

This time though to your cost You discovered that you lost

Sticking in your craw to make you gag.


Taken down, Lizzie Truss, You’ve been taken down

Where’s your hubris now and where’s your crown?

So we will send you dead flowers now you’re leaving

Lamenting once your star so briefly shone

Send you dead flowers now you’re grieving

But we won’t pretend we’re sad that you are gone.


Once you were PM

Smirking outside No 10

Spouting forth your economic plan

But the markets shafted you

And then your Party too

It was dead before its fiscal life began.


And so that night you slunk

Away like an outcast skunk

Bitterness was writ large in your face

No congratulatory words

Just a tired unwelcome turd

A loser seen departing with ill grace.





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John Coopey

Wed 17th Jul 2024 23:44

Guess indeed, MC.

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M.C. Newberry

Wed 17th Jul 2024 21:20

Any government front bench employing the likes of those who
use language like "Tory scum" to describe the opposing Party in
Parliament is hardly likely to behave better during their eventual demise. I'd call that view an educated guess!

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John Coopey

Wed 17th Jul 2024 18:58

That’s a rather abstruse philosophical concept, MC; to compare something which has happened with something in the future that might happen or might not.

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M.C. Newberry

Wed 17th Jul 2024 17:36

Her de-selection might make an epilogue for her autobiography.
Losing takes a certain grace and a much mocked Sir Jacob Rees-
Mogg displayed that much in spades. I wonder how the current
incumbents of the government front bench will measure up when
their time comes - as it surely will.

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John Coopey

Wed 17th Jul 2024 12:34

A face like a smacked arse as they say round here, Stephen.

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Stephen Gospage

Wed 17th Jul 2024 08:56

Thanks, John. Yes, the bad loser of bad losers. Still, it seems she's in the US at the Republican Convention, where everyone wins if they stick to the script.

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