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At times, a little after nine,

I find myself at the dream-mine,

Where the enormous rocks

Having nerve-like structures

Of unseen, unique colours,

Produce a remarkable shine.


They reflect memories and

Spoken words, of which,

Some are extractable with ease,

While some claim to have been mine,

But fail to easefully release.


The glitter in them often

Brings tears of joy to my eyes;

I wonder if this is how it feels

When one’s soul reaches

The heavenly part of the sky.


As my happiness peaks,

I realize that the end is nigh;

The emerging morning light

Reminds me that I’ll soon

Have to say goodbyes.


I open my eyes to one of

The brightest rays of sunlight,

And realize how quick the time flies,

And how hard it is to really bring back

A few extracts from the sleep,

Although the dream felt

Mighty lengthy and deep.


But one amplified voice

Out of all the other echoing lines,

Having a calming effect on the heart,

Does make it through every time 

Beyond the confines of the dream-mine.


Which makes me say that,

Last night, a little after nine,

I was within the confines of the dream-mine,

And, ‘I’ll always be there for you, son,’

Is the only long, lingering line,

Yet another time.



◄ Isn't Always Cute

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Manish Singh Rajput

Wed 24th Jul 2024 03:06

Thank you very much, Stephen.😇

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Stephen Gospage

Tue 23rd Jul 2024 08:11

A very moving poem, Manish, which takes a surprising turn at the end.

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