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I start this, not knowing where it might go,
as only patient time can surely know.
It all starts upstairs, in wanting to show
in words, as best i can, the ghostly flow
of steam rising up from outside, below
me, vented from next door's open window
(and how its spectral, evanescent glow
makes the morning's light shine, eerily so,
on the glowering backdrop of the clouds, low
and looming overhead; how each billow
roiling past the frosted glass seems to blow
like cotton wool, or swiftly coiling snow
in drifting waves, fleecy-soft); it is, though,
disconcerting to say the least: the slow-
blooming notion dawns, then rushes to grow
to preponderous size (with teeth that gnaw
to the bone), that it's too awkward to draw
with any skill; i could, at best, bestow
it with raw meaning, but in embryo,
a slapdash, amateurish, vague tableau
rough-hewn - doggerel scrawled by a tyro.
(Witness above: as subtle as Velcro.)
That's the upshot of this imbroglio -
to reveal, in flagrante delicto,
the folly that follows, that is my flaw
(like shooting an arrow without a bow) -
my mean, my average, my status quo,
the understanding that i am shallow
(and all such odium as should follow);
how such a simple picture goes to show
that poetry can be like rodeo -
words are broncos, will the unwitting throw;
it's so simple, it's practically a law,
axiomatic, an easy K.O.
Like they say, you can't fight the undertow.
I know this: i was, and remain, in awe
of those who can. Alas, i can't. Heigh-ho!

MP 22824





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Martin Peacock

Sun 25th Aug 2024 05:46

I always think of darts as one of those drinking games, albeit with sharp objects (literally) thrown in. But yes, you're spot on, Uilleam - thats what darts is, not that i'd intended to say so. Hoist by my own petard?

Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Sat 24th Aug 2024 09:00

Shooting an arrow without a bow.....a bit like darts?

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Martin Peacock

Sat 24th Aug 2024 08:38

Well thank you kindly, Ray and Uilleam (blush, blush.) I claim no credit, however; as Tony Wilson once said of Joy Division, "(those other bands were up there because they wanted to be there, but) they had no fucking choice: they _had_ to be there." I've just been around long enough to know my style, that's all. And so, once you're familiar enough with something, you learn to play around with it. That's what i'm doing, essentially: just playing with words, because i've always believed they're the best toys in the box. It doesn't do to be too precious about them, does it? (Although i'll grant you both i can be a bit of a pedant at times.)

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Fri 23rd Aug 2024 17:31

I am building up a picture of you Martin , but the image keeps shifting with the lines you write, spectres of a reality stepping forth from the page with daggers drawn to attack the languish that might afflict a less dedicated reader; but I mean that as a compliment . There seems to be a haunted quality which draws us in , A really good eye for detail and a sweep of imagination.


Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Fri 23rd Aug 2024 11:19

Shallow you are not, Martin.

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