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Meanwhile, back in Grandad's day...

In the place where women belong

Scrubbing, dusting, pinafore on

Hard working husband down at the pub

She better make him some hearty grub!

For, he'll return all worn out

Money lost on the horses no doubt!

Cheer him up with a nice beef dinner

Even though he would like to be thinner!

But it's such a hard job working, then drinking 

By the time he gets home, his stomach is sinking!

Good ol’ wife doing her job

‘Though he's noticed she's missed some stains on the hob! 🙄




◄ A Fault In The Architecture

The Unquenchable Fire ►


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Stephen Atkinson

Sun 25th Aug 2024 09:47

Thank you Uilleam 🤣 Stephen, no menace just rolled eyes & frowns! Ray, Granda did love Andy Capp... & J.C. yes they were a different breed I think. Tough with no nonsense added!
Thank you all, & for the Likes 🌷

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John Coopey

Sat 24th Aug 2024 08:39

I think you maybe underestimate the strength of those women, Stephen. When my grandad got blacked by the coalowners for striking my grandma threw him out and told him not to come back until he’d got money to feed their 6 kids. He walked 40 miles to Doncaster from Nottingham to get a job at Bentley pit. They were two strong folk.

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Fri 23rd Aug 2024 17:33

A bit like Andy Capp without the authority on the lady's part Stephen. Frying pans at dawn methinks.


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Stephen Gospage

Fri 23rd Aug 2024 17:25

Strange sense of menace in the last line, Stephen, somewhat offset by the exclamation mark.

Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Fri 23rd Aug 2024 11:17

Hard truths to be faced there Stephen; I have read, and will inwardly digest, and am currently attempting to rectify certain aspects of my behaviour! 😇

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