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My heart was stronger than a Sulzer pump

It beat a steady 60bpm – thump thump thump

It’s seen me through rugby and marathons too

Those days when my ticker was nearly brand new.


These days I’m fitted with a Pacemaker

I had a problem that I never knew

Now the Old Ticker just needs a quick kick up the backside,

It’s gone askew;

That’s why I have to have a Pacemaker

I’m in its debt for “Stayin’ Alive”

But better still I find I’m bionic

And that I am

Six Million Dollar Man.




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John Coopey

Sat 24th Aug 2024 13:57

Thanks for your thoughts, MC.

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M.C. Newberry

Sat 24th Aug 2024 11:19

As that great line from a "Dirty Harry" movie tells us: We have to
adjust to our maladjustments! Advancing years ain't for sissies!
I always loved getting about on my bike until a sudden front-tyre
blow-out hurled me sideways on to the road and supplied lumbar
spinal stenosis and atrial fibrillation (look them up). Cycling, like long distance truck driving, has also been viewed as a cause of
prostate problems. Don't you just love the fixation on fitness
so beloved of today's medicos? Remember a certain Dr. Michael
(TV) Mosley? Old Mother Nature is unpredictable at best!
Carpe diem and hope to save NHS money along the way.

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John Coopey

Sat 24th Aug 2024 10:02

Many thanks, Graham and Greg. I still try to give it a bit of work, Graham. I bike 10-20 miles most days (Having said that, it was biking caused me to have faints in the first place!).
If this had been America, Greg, they might as well have left me at the roadside - I couldn’t have afforded the treatment.
My only complaint is that the operation seems to have tarnished my nightingale singing voice!

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Greg Freeman

Sat 24th Aug 2024 08:44

Thanks indeed to the NHS, John. I went through something similar three years ago. While awaiting my angio procedure I was very impressed at the routine way people came in and out to have their batteries changed. Hang on in there!

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Graham Sherwood

Sat 24th Aug 2024 05:52

Look after yourself JC! I’ve got three bits of pig holding mine together now and a bag of sweeties each day to keep it running smoothly. Sign of the times.

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John Coopey

Fri 23rd Aug 2024 22:45

Thankyou Uilleam. Ambulance, day-long tests at the hospital, doctors consultations, surgery, medical reviews, further consultations, ongoing monitoring. If this had been in the USA it would have cost £10,000's. Thank God for the NHS.
And thanks for the Likes, Aisha, Stephen, Holden, John and Cryptid.

Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Fri 23rd Aug 2024 11:04

I've much to be thankful for in that respect.💗

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