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Double Scoop

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My neighbor, an irascible man, a few houses down,

often yells at the ice cream truck when it comes around.

He objects to the noise (or maybe it's the tune).


I take offense to his assault on my thoughts;

my youthful anticipation of cold sugary treats

on hot summer days.


I know one thing for sure, the next time the truck

comes around with its music and joy,

I will flag it down and order a cone,


and perhaps strike up a long conversation

about ice cream and treats

as the music keeps playing,

the louder the better.


◄ Beach Day

Every Now and Then ►


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M.C. Newberry

Fri 30th Aug 2024 16:26

You have to be a real "kill joy" to take offence at the tune from
an ice-cream van! 😍

Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Fri 30th Aug 2024 10:17

Hear hear! "Match of the Day" tune is my favourite, and a double scoop with chocolate, dripping with strawberry sauce.😄

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