The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 1 hour. Get details and Enter.

Love Triangle

entry picture

Late rainy autumn was standing near the window,
she was waiting for the wind to come
-Where are you, my naughty fellow?
-Where are you caring along, my charm?

She was irritated by his carelessness,
she was angry with his frivolity
But still admired his appearance,
and still was charmed by his self-confidence.

Autumn was always a woman,
red-haired and very susceptible,
a little bit older with less mammon,
a little bit jealous and over particular.

And wind always changed his mood,
sometimes he was tender, occasionally rude,
sometimes he wooed and wanted to see her nude.

He wanted to have love affairs with all:
with spring and fall,
with winter and summer,
sometimes even with scandals and drama.

He asked Autumn for understanding,
as he said with summer he was just pretending.
Autumn had enough patience,
she was so afraid to stay alone.

She even agreed with those crazy relations.
She only wanted to know
where this time he has flown.
Sobs and tears chocked her often,
her eyes faded and her temples have become gray,
she had to live like that up to the end,
but was still looking for a comfortable bay.

Oh, crazy wind! Where are you, naughty fellow?
She sighed and looked at the door.
At this very moment, the rain said: Hello!
He admired the beauty of golden autumn,
He had been in love with her for a long time.

He was tall and very pale with an attentive glance,
he was afraid to fall and fail.
If only autumn could give him a chance!
He would wash off all her sorrows and grief,
He would do anything in real love to believe.

The autumn was in doubt,
She was so much confused,
didn’t know whom to choose: the wind or the rain.
She didn’t want to complain about them
and certainly wished to live in Adam.

What more to say?
This love triangle lives even today.


©Larisa Rzhepishevska







◄ A Bright Day Will Come Soon

To The Creator ►


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Tom Doolan

Mon 2nd Sep 2024 16:37

A seasonal gem 🙂

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M.C. Newberry

Mon 2nd Sep 2024 13:43

Autumn is the mature elegant woman, well used to adapting to
the pressures upon her existence and succeeding in being
welcomed for her appearance to relieve the wayward behaviour
of frivolous summer and ease us into the acceptance of the
appearance of harsh unpredictable winter in good style.

Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Mon 2nd Sep 2024 09:03

According to some, our seasons are merging...maybe they've put aside their differences?😏

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