To The Creator
You are with me in grief and happiness,
You are with me in joy and loneliness,
You are the One who gives me shelter and support,
You are my love and my reward.
You are the beginning and the end,
There is no one you ever offend.
You are my consolation,
You are my celebration,
You are my light
In the dark night.
In my perishable heart
I find the answers with your help,
You tell me which door to open,
You tell me how to dwell.
You tell me:
The sense of life is in one word:
You tell me:
Don’t fuss, be cussed!
I can see my reflection in my children,
It means I am needed in this land.
©Larisa Rzhepishevska
Larisa Rzhepishevska
Fri 6th Sep 2024 09:18
Thank you so much for your nice comment, M.C.Newberry