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The menace of midges, no-see-ums or gnats,

designed just to drive you distractedly bats;

they swarm by the lake for their airborne attacks

on humans provided as portable snacks


A cloud on the water both morning and night,

evolved into something that surely ain’t right.

I think Mother Nature has made a mistake;

why can’t she admit it and give us a break?


What good do they do in the grand scheme of things,

so tiny but still they inflict painful stings.

For day after day they continue to itch;

sometimes I believe evolution’s a bitch.


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Stephen Gospage

Thu 5th Sep 2024 08:20

Great writing, Trevor. A really enjoyable read, as long as the midges keep away, of course! I remember one evening by a lake in rural Denmark.........

Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Tue 3rd Sep 2024 11:16

I remember them well, on the West Highland Way in Scotland!😡

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