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Sands of Time

Beyond the mountain pass, past scattered rocks

the sea appears; a familiar shimmer of blue

flecked with transient wisps of white.


Along squigglous roads anticipation builds,

and my destination plays peekaboo between

wind-warped trees and sheep-shorn fields.


I park at the sea wall, disembark into the ozone

aroma of Atlantic waves mingled with turf smoke;

ageless yet redolent of ages past.


There, where we played on the surf-rippled shore,

children still scamper across the silver strand,

giggling, shrieking echoes of distant years.


I see swirls of effervescing spume,

hear screaming gulls soaring, feel summer’s swelter

echoed in this glorious, timeless place.


And when the familiar sand oozes between my toes,

memories that I thought long forgotten

still dampen the corners of my eyes.


◄ Midges


Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Wed 18th Sep 2024 19:19

I've never been to the north Trevor, although my father in law did, he liked angling there.
I'm just watching a program about the river Suir, I'd love to do some walking there.

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Trevor Alexander

Wed 18th Sep 2024 16:52

Thanks Uilleam. Those particular squigglous roads lead through the Derryveagh mountains down to the coast in Sheephaven Bay in north west Donegal.😎

Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Sat 14th Sep 2024 08:28

Thanks Trevor, I love those squigglous roads, the kind that weave through the Borrowdale valley...

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