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The chant of Eng-er-land football fans whenever we play Germany.  In stark contrast in intellect  when Germany won the final of the European Championship in 1996, their fans were singing,

“It’s coming home

It’s coming home

It’s coming

Football’s coming home”

In English.

But it is telling that a brand of Englishman takes credit for winning the Second World War, despite the fact that 95% of them were not even born then.  I have even noticed the same attitude among the 5% who were.

These, of course, will now be in their 80’s (at least) so their contribution to defeating Nazism is arithmetically implausible.

Take my father-in-law, for instance.  He is 93. At the end of World War II he will have been 14 years old.  What was his contribution to the war effort?  As the excellent German comedian Henning Wehn points out (from whose telling of this my piece has been shamefully plagiarised) my father-in-law would have been in school, recipient of rationed foods etc – nothing more than a drain on the country’s resources.

Rather, as I delight in pointing out to him, effectively he was contributing to the Nazi war effort.





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M.C. Newberry

Thu 5th Sep 2024 13:17

Mosley's Blackshirts never really caught on with the public at
large. What attention they got from their provocation in the
East End was at a time when Hitler's real intentions that became
"The Final Solution" was beyond any conception.. The public at
large gave them the same "Do us a favour mate" response they
adopted to persuade Karl Marx that his ideology was not fancied.
The man on the Clapham omnibus prevailed. We could do with
more of the latter these days!!

Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Thu 5th Sep 2024 11:09

Yeah, send for the Blackshirts, John, maybe they could get the trains to run on time, whilst instilling some discipline into our youth....?

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John Coopey

Thu 5th Sep 2024 07:53

“Hurrah for the Blackshirts” - let’s not forget The Daily Mail, Uilleam.

Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Wed 4th Sep 2024 22:34

A vile regime indeed MC.
A regime whose admirers included the likes of Mosley’s BUF, the “British Union of Fascists”: proscribed by the UK government, upon the outbreak of war, as being a potential “Nazi Fifth Column” threat to the security of the United Kingdom, and whose admirers continue to this day to infest the UK body politic.

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Steve White

Wed 4th Sep 2024 19:44

Quite, John. And perhaps part of the explanation for the slow drift of remembrance into something that's looks a little more like a celebration of militarism and national pride.

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John Coopey

Tue 3rd Sep 2024 17:09

You’re absolutely right, MC. But it’s a bit of a stretch for him and anyone else under the age of 80 to bask in credit for it, don’t ya think?

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M.C. Newberry

Tue 3rd Sep 2024 15:55

Your father-in-law was one of the reasons for going to war
against a vile regime, an image of young innocence in need of
protection and preservation that no doubt stayed in the minds of respective dads from across the England of that uniquely
threatening time. .He would have had a first hand recall of that
stoic generation and kept it close.

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John Coopey

Tue 3rd Sep 2024 13:17

Thankyou, Uilleam.

Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Tue 3rd Sep 2024 10:43

I'm not a footy fan John, so have no particular axe to grind in that respect. I agree with you on the hilarious Henning Wehn.
I have to say I found the recent war-related chanting of some England supporters moronic and despicably insensitive.

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John Coopey

Tue 3rd Sep 2024 08:38

Thanks for your thoughts, David.

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David RL Moore

Tue 3rd Sep 2024 07:31

Hi John,

It often raises a smile for me when people mention "The War" I usually ask which one they are referring to as there have been multiple in which British Forces have been engaged since 45.

I once had a half wit try and tell me NI wasn't that bad, I suggested he should ask the relatives of my dead friends or the innocent people of that Province who had their lives ruined how they feel about that supposed insignificant skirmish.

People often like to associate themselves with a war-time spirit they have only seen in films or read in books.

Contrary to popular belief many Germans have a keen sense of humour and irony, as indicated by your comments.


PS, although you might find members of the AfD singing old panzer marching songs these days. Racism and Nationalism of the toxic kind knows no bounderies.

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