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I’ve got it!  The solution to the above.

The situation has become exacerbated by the glut of brainless protesters and anti-protest protesters who are being pushed through the courts to administer swift deterrence (as opposed to punishment).  The government’s remedy is to let out of prison other “bad lads” in order to make room.

The obvious solution, however, albeit a nettle feared to be grasped, is to raise taxation to fund more prisons (education, defence, the NHS etc).  And I’m not just talking about caning the rich.  Certainly, those most able to bear the biggest burden should do so; but I’m talking about me.  And you, for that matter.

But recognising that governments prefer less “courageous” options, I was impressed by a suggestion of the owner of my local bike shop.

His premises had recently been ram-raided, the front wall demolished and some of his most expensive bikes stolen.  So I expected his suggestion to be a bit more Rhodes Boyson than it was.

But he suggested house arrest.

Miscreants would have to wear a collar tag which would transmit their whereabouts to a Control Centre, alerting them to any breach of their confinement terms. So, for instance, if the ne’er-do-well exceeded the time he was allowed out of the house (say, 1 hour), Control would notify him.  Notification would take the form of a quick zap of electricity from his collar, rather like those dog training collars you can get.  If the prisoner didn’t return to his place of confinement within a specified time, Control would give him a longer, bigger belt.  You get the idea.

I agreed I liked the idea but shared with him my own.

By this, those convicted would be given a 5 minute sentence rather than one of 2 -3 years as they are now.  But for 5 minutes they would be strung up by the nuts.

I shall write to Yvette Cooper.


To deal with overcrowding I’d apply (no if’s, no but’s)

A sentence of 5 minutes being strung up by the nuts





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John Coopey

Wed 11th Sep 2024 08:08

“Multum in Parvo”, Graham.

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Graham Sherwood

Mon 9th Sep 2024 16:49

my apologies JC, I've just found my spectacles 😳

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John Coopey

Mon 9th Sep 2024 16:27

I think you may have overlooked my concluding succinct masterpiece, Graham.

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Graham Sherwood

Mon 9th Sep 2024 12:45

Forgive me, I thought this was a poetry website?

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M.C. Newberry

Mon 9th Sep 2024 12:24

JC - On the contrary. I understand what goes on. The need for
incarceration continues from generation to generation That is
painfully clear despite the good intentions of reformers.
As for the recent street violence, the political point scoring is
obvious in its intentions - tough stuff to deter more of the same
whilst basically avoiding the necessity of addressing the root
causes. Tories and Labour are both culpable for this state of affairs with their lofty disregard for the wider ongoing public
concerns about security, and social stability and well-being.
UOC - I read your comment and its readiness to somehow
vilify the analogy. It was merely a truth that cannot be
refuted. You infer that my intention is to "criminalise" the poor.
Nonsense, of course.

Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Mon 9th Sep 2024 11:21

"...criminals, like "the poor", will emerge with each passing generation".

Since when has it been a crime to be poor MC .....? actually, it is now...but the "Great and the Good" people who buy yachts with my hard-earned money are laughing all the way to the bank.

Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Mon 9th Sep 2024 11:15

Many of those responsible for inciting the violence are off scot free, members of HM government, and the gutter press.

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John Coopey

Sun 8th Sep 2024 16:58

I agree prison should be the punishment of last resort, MC. But I think you miss the point. The sanctions against these demonstrators/ rioters are not punishments, they are deterrents. Once control has been established and these riots become yesterday’s chip papers there will be a steady stream of releases on shortened tariffs.
And thanks for the Like, Edbreathe.

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M.C. Newberry

Sun 8th Sep 2024 15:08

Prison should be the last resort in the list of available punishments (with the exception of crimes of violence). The courts have many alternatives for the genuine cases of
likely rehabilitation. In most cases, those in prison end up
there because they are incorrigible. It is these who deserve
a stop to "repeated chances" in the judicial system and put
out of the way of committing further degradations against
society (the rest of us just trying to do the right thing in life).
Ultimately, we have to face the fact that criminals, like "the poor", will emerge with each passing generation. The reasons and the excuses may change but the problem continues to exist
and no one, however well-intentioned, has come up with a better way -
incarceration for the inveterate offender.
These are a repeat fact of life in every
country, more's the pity. Better out of the way than in the way, I say!!

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