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I Know

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She rises and encourages our two dogs

to go out, then turns and tells me

she almost called out for Tuffy to join them.

We lost our very good boy just recently.


I said “I know.” We both turned and understood

in an unspoken way we would still be seeing him

for some time to come, as we led all three out

to do their business in their favorite spots before bed.


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M.C. Newberry

Fri 6th Sep 2024 14:59

My sister has had dogs through most of her adult life and knew
the pain of each loss. One was a particularly lovable girl she
named Sue. I wrote some lines for my sister on her passing which may resonate in your own sad situation.
"Sometimes, alone, I see her face,
I hear her on the stair,
I hold my arms out to embrace
My Sue and she'll be there."

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