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A better world lies ahead

The end of the world is drawing near,

The presence of selfish,greedy,hateful traits I fear.

Nations seem to be rising against nations and kingdom against kingdom.

Food shortages,epidemics and earthquakes,much more to come.


The end of this system of things is drawing near,

Unfortunately the year,day or the hour is not clear.

The world is passing away ,we grow old and die together,

 But hopefully if we lead a godly life there is an opportunity to live for ever.


Everybody will enjoy an abundance of food and perfect health,

And not use their knowledge of weapons to create their wealth.

So is the end of the world a fantasy or a fact?

Now is the time to live together in harmony and positively react.

A better world lies ahead.


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Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Sat 14th Sep 2024 08:07

Thanks Hugh.
I much prefer an attempt (however clumsy and naive) to create heaven here on earth. The philosophy of the "preppers" and of "the end times" is a destructive and nihilistic one, a self-fulfilling "Counsel of Despair".

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