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Follow Your Dreams

Dreams are sparkles in the morning dew
Visions of wonder, waiting for you
Financial or not, they bring us glee
A future bright, for you and me

If wealth is your dream, logic is fun
Invest and save, the journey's just begun
Compound interest, a magical friend
Growing wealth, till the very end

But if your dream is non-financial too
A position or image, to pursue
Remember, joy is found in the quest
Not in comparison, but in being your best

Wealth creation, a happy byproduct too
When passion and purpose, shine right through
Focus on your path, with heart aglow
For in uniqueness, true joy does grow

So follow your dreams, with a grin so wide
Financial or not, let joy be your guide
For in the end, it's not what you own
But the journey, that makes your heart feel at home.

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