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A Right to Stumble!

Dear Parent,
In your quest to shield your child from every scrape and stumble, remember: life’s greatest lessons often come from facing challenges head-on. Helicopter and lawnmower parenting may seem loving, but overprotection can rob children of vital experiences that foster resilience, independence, and confidence. By removing obstacles and fears, you might inadvertently create a world where your child struggles to thrive on his/her own. Allow your child the freedom to fall, to learn, and to rise again. In the journey of growing up, the right to stumble is as important as the right to succeed.

(In honour of all teachers plagued by parents; Teacher's Day on 5 October 2024)

In parks where parents linger near,
They shield their children, fight all fear.
With mowing blades and ploughs in hand,
They clear the paths that life had planned.

With arms outstretched like zealous wings,
They swoop to snatch away small things.
From grades to games, their voices shout:
“Protect our young, no room for doubt!”

Yet in this rush to pave the way,
They steal the chance for kids to play.
No scraped-up knees or elbows earned,
No lessons taught, no bridges burned.

Lawnmower Parents clear the path,
Remove the thorns, evade the wrath.
While Submarines will hide from view,
Then surface loud with harsh review.

And Taxi Parents* hover close,
Their cars, a crutch for every dose.
They drive to school, the path laid clear,
While little feet forget their fear.

The Curling* kind, with sweeping grace,
Remove all trouble from the place.
But what of struggle? What of strain?
Without the storm, can joy remain?

Now Combat Copters hover low,
With fierce demands that overflow.
They fight for grades, the pressure high,
While children cower, dreams pass by.

Silky Moms* seek comfort, free from strife,
Through ease and tech, they shape their children’s life.
While Crunchy* types resist the mainstream way,
The Scrunchy* blends both styles in rough array.

The Dolphin* nurtures with great care,
Yet sometimes smothers unaware.
Tow Trucks rush in with every call,
And keep their children safe from all.

And what of those who merely sit,
The Sittervisors watch a bit.
They see the games but miss the fall;
Without the challenge, kids stand tall.

The Tiger* roars with strict demands,
They press for heights with heavy hands.
Yet joy in learning comes from choice,
Not silent kids with stifled voice.

Let teachers teach, with room to thrive,
Not face the wrath that will arrive.
For children need the chance to roam,
To build their paths, to find their home.

So pause before you leap to save,
And trust your child to be quite brave.
The world awaits with all its charms,
Let (s)he engage it, free from arms.

In balance lies the true reward,
A life well-lived, a soul adored.
Stand back, dear parents, and you'll see
The beauty in autonomy.


Tiger Parents: Discipline and drill are the hallmarks of Tiger Parents. Using authoritarian methods, they strive to achieve high performance and success in their children. 

Dolphin Parents—like their animal counterparts—treat their young with love and care. They do not force their children into anything but provide protection and freedom. While they are seen as authority figures who establish rules, they discuss these rules with their children and address their needs. 

Crunchy Mom: according to the Urban Dictionary, a Crunchy Mom is a "member of an ever-growing group of mothers who are neo-hippies." In their view, buying mainstream products or engaging in mainstream activities is undesirable. A typical Crunchy Mom is often vegan or at least vegetarian, bakes her own bread, gives birth at home, promotes reading over television, and opts for cloth diapers instead of disposables.

Silky Mom: according to the Urban Dictionary, Silky Moms leverage advancements in science, medicine, and technology to support their parenting. They prefer pain relief methods during childbirth, choose bottle-feeding over breastfeeding, and are often advocates for vaccinations. This makes them the opposite of Crunchy Moms.

The Scrunchy Mom has emerged as a more realistic blend of both Crunchy and Silky Moms. A Scrunchy Mom might support formula feeding, vaccinations, and hospital births while also using cloth diapers and making homemade baby food.


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