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Why not welcome in the new year - with your own haiku for 2025!

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Here’s a poetry challenge for you, to welcome in 2025. Following the success of your reverse-nonet ‘Christmas tree’ poems, we’re inviting you to compose a haiku – or several – to consider what the new year might bring. The theme is up to you. But what about ‘hope’?  There is also the subject of ‘fears’, if you feel you must confront them. Or what about ‘predictions’? Whatever you choose, we’re sure you’ll come up with some intriguing lines.

Just to remind you – a haiku is conventionally made up of three lines, in a five-syllable, seven-syllable, five-syllable pattern. But they don’t have to be that way. They can be shorter, or longer.  

Haiku originated in Japan, and are traditionally about the environment. But, as we said at the beginning, the theme is up to you.

Feel free to blog your haiku in the usual way, or attach them as comments to this article, or both. We look forward to seeing what you come up with!

Thanks to Red Brick Keshner for getting the ball rolling! 



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