The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 35 days, 20 hours. Get details and Enter.

The EU's Two Main Parasites

Beneath the banner of a fractured pact,
Two nations stray, their selfish aims intact.
Hungary, led by Orbán’s brazen creed,
And Fico's Slovakia, both sow the seed


Of discord, national pride their sole refrain,
Ignoring Europe’s unity, disdain.
While others strive for common peace to last,
These leaders clutch at Putin’s moldy mast.


Slovakia threatens to cut off the power,
As Orbán bends to Putin’s every hour.
Ukraine shall cede its land to end the fight,

A victory for Russia, at Ukraine’s great plight.


The EU’s coffers fill their hands with gold,
Yet for the shared ideal, their grip turns cold.
Orbán dreams of walls, his fences high,
And Fico trades his morals for a lie.


No voice of reason bends their twisted ways,
They mock the efforts of the union's days.
For Putin’s nod, they barter Europe’s trust,
And crush alliances beneath their rust.


Why fund the folly of their tyrant’s play?
Why let them leech, while others work and pay?
A parasite will drain until it’s fed,
So cut them loose, these two, whose ties are dead.


Let Hungary and Slovakia stray alone,
To reap the seeds of ruin they have sown.
For Europe stands for freedom, bold and true,
And has no place for those who'd bid it rue.


Viktor OrbánRobert FicoHungarySlovakiaEUEuropean UnionPutinnationalismcorruptionanti-EUdespotismpro-RussianEuropean UnitytyrannyEU Relationspolitical betrayal

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Rolph David

Thu 2nd Jan 2025 08:31

Good morning Uilleam,

A happy new year 25 to you, too!
I’ve always been less convinced of a European Union made up of so many different interest groups and national entities that often show little genuine interest in working together for the good of all. The rise of nationalist and right-wing forces, which have been in the driver’s seat for some time now, doesn’t bode well for the EU’s future.

Clare Daly’s critique of Ursula von der Leyen as "Frau Genocide" highlights the EU’s hypocrisy, especially on the Palestinian conflict. Worse still, von der Leyen’s willingness to align with right-wing leaders like Orbán and Fico (and before that even Poland) to maintain power only strengthens their hand, further undermining unity and democratic values.

It’s voices like Daly’s and Mick Wallace’s, I admit, that offer a glimmer of hope, showing that courage and conviction can still challenge the status quo and push for justice and peace.
Let's wait and see what steadfastness the EU will show after 20 January. I'm afraid they'll just wag their tails and come up with a loyal dachshund look!

Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Wed 1st Jan 2025 09:28

Thank you, and Happy New Year, Rolph.
Although I have always been an ardent supporter of the EU, I recently had cause to fear it may not always be a force for good, what with neo / fascism rearing its ugly head at every turn.

Irish MEP, Clare Daly has however renewed my confidence and gained my admiration through her unfailing and outspoken defence of the Palestinian people. It is she who called the Head of the EU Commission “Frau Genocide”.

As long as there are people of courage and conviction such as Irish MEPs Clare Daly, and Mick Wallace who will speak out for justice, peace may have a chance.

Rolph David

Wed 1st Jan 2025 08:18

Happy New Year, Stephen,
Yes, it's scary how more than ever money is now a power, THE power. Also, look at the last election campaign across the pond where money was used to win the election (Citizens United totally misused). And these former Soviet states, the majority of which have been in the EU since 2004... they have NEVER really had any interest in breaking away from their former big brother. And probably also too afraid. This Kremlin dwarf seems all-powerful at the moment. 2025 will certainly not be easy...if that's not an understatement.

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Stephen Gospage

Tue 31st Dec 2024 09:24

Thank you, Rolph. A very timely and perceptive poem. You use rhyming couplets to great effect.
As you say, sad times for countries saddled with leaders who want to take the money without contributing to European unity, and seem quite willing to thumb their noses at agreed EU policies and principles.

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