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Mirror Images

Mirror Images


This morning a crowd appeared in the mirror, but

As I went to investigate, they evaporated.

Taking station beyond the corners of my mind,

Leaving only me, as I am today.

Younger than the days ahead, but

Years older than yesterday.

Truth lines fracture darkening eye surrounds, and

Their larger cousins, ‘The Worries’ stack up,

Creating a furrowed field above the brow.

Comedy nose making jokes at my expense, enough said.

Sallow cheeks, hollowing as I watch,

Bare witness to subsidence in underlying structures.

Hairline in retreat, whilst ranks of grey whiskers,

Advancing on the softening chin,

Dominate expanding jowls.

Had I pampered that cast of characters now departed,

Would they still be in touching distance?


Selfinevitabletime passesaging

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