Situated Somewhere On The Peninsula Of The Everisles
Malicia comforts Rageghost
Malicia the Meek, so loving and kind
took care of Rageghost the foremost.
A Quiet Day In Evervillage
When trees sway with the wind
and shed their leaves to let go
the children play outside.
Balorahm at the Immigration Office
It seems that Time itself
has jumbled and lapsed unto itself
like happy introverts scouring some extra shelves.
Our heroine finds herself in the City of Cities (by any lack of better)
with a Capital Sea.
Situated somewhere on the Peninsula of the Everisles
or what once used to be accessible by land.
The Immigration Policies for the
United Union of Everlands, Everisles and Evermores (UUEEE)
are of course as historic
as the written language recorded!
It seems that Time itself
has jumbled and lapsed unto itself
like happy introverts scouring some extra shelves.
And our heroine finds herself back in The Evervillage.
Not really sure what it all means.