Processing (in 3 parts)
1. Once Again
Anger is a creature that lives within us
like a fiery dragon
Don't run from it
Use its heat to cleanse
every last remnant
of what you don't want
Dress yourself in white garments
and walk down to the river
Water cools the burning
All is healed
The anger dissipates,
the embers shine soft
Flow into the river of life
peaceful, once again
2. Justice
The lies of others
have nothing to do with me
It is not my job to correct them
They have to correct themselves
My job is to live in my truth
bravely, peacefully
Life has a way of self-correcting everyone,
We may not see it
but it happens
In Divine Justice
there is no retribution
but there is profound learning
Worry not about correcting others
Focus on the "log in your own eye"
and walk in joy
3. Vision
I watched the world go up in flames
I watched the world descend in torment
I grabbed my sword to fight my demons
I climbed to the highest mountain
and tried to fly
I crashed
I burned
I rose
and laughed
The angels rang in the chorus
songs of peace and freedom
I sang
I learned to fly
I saw the world fresh in flowers
I saw the world rise in joy
I saw
Question for the reader: do these 3 poems flow together? Or do they feel disjointed? All thoughts welcome!
Marla Joy
Fri 21st Feb 2025 20:55
Good question. I like all three. Flyntland is right, each does stand on its own (and they work well together). I tend to like shorter poems too, but this works because of the strong content. Marla