The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 36 days, 6 hours. Get details and Enter.

I need to Relax


By the Urban Poet

I need to relax

I need to rest

Get all frustrations 

Off me chest

I need to chill out

And do it now!

The problem is I know not how

The secrets of letting go

Of my fears and anxieties

Worries of many varieties

Pent up emotions 

Stresses and strains

Pressures coming at me

Like a high speed train

I’ll completely switch off

Get rid of me cough

Take deep breaths

Put some Vic on my chest

Grab a Pina Colada

Make life less harder

Go off sick

Give my team some stick

Grab a flight to Benidorm 

First thing int’ morn’

Take a selfie or two 

While I down t’ local brew

“Una cerveza por favor”

When I’ve had too many

Pick me up off the floor

Dust me off and calm me down

Don’t let me wear a pigging frown

I’m done and finished with all that

Yea like I said

I just wanna relax!

Don’t do it, when you wanna go to it!!

From ‘Rhymes and Reasons’

By Rick Varden 2023





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