Our one and only trip to America
in the Fall, almost forty-five
years ago. Rhode Island, Cape Cod,
Vermont, New Hampshire, Boston
... Niagara.
We drove through Buffalo
towards the falls, passing gaudy
'honeymoon hotels' boasting
the size of their water-beds.
The view from the US side
was impressive, yes,
the little tourist boat almost
under the cascade. We briefly
crossed the border, where
the water's much closer;
you stand on the path ,
see it plunging only feet
away. The view from Canada
was grander, whatever
Donald Trump might say.
Stephen Gospage
Sat 15th Mar 2025 17:20
I was there around that time, Greg. Even with Reagan on the way, there seemed to be so much hope. Everything seemed possible. It still is, but in a thoroughly mean and rotten way.