The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 35 days, 19 hours. Get details and Enter.

Alphabet, oops!

The AA, once first in the alphabet, 

takes ages to answer distress calls. 


When someone says AI

I say Ayee!

like a wounded Native American

in a curdled Sixties comic. 


Now Microsoft is offering 

to help me put words together. 


I'm analogue, not digital, 

and aware I'm being phased out. 



◄ A short summer


Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Mon 20th Jan 2025 00:12

PS....Stephen, I've been up the A1 several times, and judging by the standard of driving up there, there's a distinct lack of thought.

Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Sun 19th Jan 2025 23:52

Stuff daytime TV Stephen, that's brainrot gear for sure.

Artificial intelligence? Real stupidity more like!
Today, at the supermarket, I was at one of those self-checkouts with a screen that had a picture of me staring back at myself.

It couldn't decide whether I was a desperate teenager with a drink problem, who was a master of disguise, or a genuinely grizzly bearded overweight old git in his 70's.

I felt sorry for the Asian assistant who was forced (rules is rules) to ask me in his best Lancashire twang: are you over 25?
Bloody Norah, what's the world coming to?😕

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Stephen Gospage

Sun 19th Jan 2025 16:53

Thank you, Greg. It's a scary world. Calculators meant you no longer needed to be able to add up, Google means you don't have to know anything and now A1 means you don't have to think.
Daytime TV here we come!

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Graham Sherwood

Fri 17th Jan 2025 17:32

I remember when computerisation was beginning in the retail world and I was fundamentally involved with it. Whilst trying to explain it to my interested father I remember thinking that he didn't understand a word I was saying. These days I am sure my sons (and daughters) think the same way!!

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Greg Freeman

Fri 17th Jan 2025 17:28

Thanks for the comments, Graham, Uilleam and Rolph, and for the Likes, Manish, Helene, Red Brick, Marla, Holden, K Lynn, Branwell, and Naomi. The world of apps and QR codes is more or less beyond me, yet without that knowledge it's becoming increasingly difficult to survive. You have to jump through many online hoops to set up online banking, or indeed, most things online. We are beseiged by long articles of bland rubbish on social media, all obviously composed via AI. And now Microsoft is offering to help us write! Yes, Uilleam, for those of us of a certain age, with anxiety adding to the mix, I fear we're in the soup!

Rolph David

Fri 17th Jan 2025 15:42

Dear Greg,
I couldn’t agree more with your sentiments in "Alphabet, oops!"—I, too, am firmly in the "analogue, not digital" camp. Like you, I feel increasingly aware of how quickly technology is shifting and how it often feels like those of us who didn’t grow up as "digital natives" are being left behind. The transition to a world of AI and digital tools does seem to erase something essential, and it’s hard not to feel like we’re being phased out. Your observations on the inefficiencies and the dissonance with technology really resonated with me. I'm with you on this!
Best regards,

Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Fri 17th Jan 2025 14:46

Two soops!

Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Fri 17th Jan 2025 09:50

In the course of writing two lines, I've been rudely patronised and insulted.
I've got one thing to say to effing COPILOT: .....................OFF!
Sorry, that's two.

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Graham Sherwood

Fri 17th Jan 2025 09:17

I’m with you Greg. Pretty soon we won’t be able to believe anything we see as real! I think a good word for this state of make believe is to be ‘Trumped’ He’s not real either.

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