The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 17 days, 1 hour. Get details and Enter.

The Player

By day he played the markets;

At night he played the fool.

In youth he would play truant,

To get away from school.


In common with those round him,

In life he played a part:

A tragic, gilded aesthete

Who suffered for his art,


The tough, self-made financier,

Who played for all they’re worth

The hapless types endowed with

A silver spoon from birth,


The warm, devoted husband,

Who played around outside,

And lived with this by being

Unbothered when he lied.


To play at dead or play the ball

Are star turns for the crowd;

He once came close to playing God,

But this was disallowed.


We all play roles as best we can,

And later work and rest;

Advancement was the game he played,

And nearly no one guessed.


◄ Fawn, Lick and Grovel

Dotted Line ►


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Stephen Gospage

Sat 22nd Mar 2025 09:03

Thank you, Ray. There is quite a lot of yuppiedom in this. It also reminds me a bit of smarmy husbands who get caught out in TV detective series. I suppose that all of us are acting out a role, playing a part, in some way. Bragadaccio is a very good word, by the way!

Cheers, Tom. I'll think about a rag-arsed version!

Thanks to all for the nice words.

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Fri 21st Mar 2025 21:01

Would sound like me-if it had had more rag-arsedness in it.

Nice one Stephen 👍

Kind regards.


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Fri 21st Mar 2025 19:23

This reminds me of the type who became yuppies in the eighties: I met some when playing in bands and was less than impressed by their manners and bearing which was basically bragadaccio. ( I just like the word). Best Ray

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Stephen Gospage

Fri 21st Mar 2025 17:16

Thank you very much, Martin, and thanks to everyone who liked this poem.

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Martin Elder

Thu 20th Mar 2025 15:20

This is a clever play on words Stephen. Nice one

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