The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 16 days, 9 hours. Get details and Enter.


This is a room for all of our guests

A room for you to look your best

A place for intrigue and thoughts so heavy

And a place where you can spend a penny


It's a shared space intended for all

Not to tumble, roll or accidentally fall

But to take a moment, speculate and recall

But also a place you might withdrawl


A time out from a stressful day

To find the words you'd like to say

And repair the wounds of yesterday

If hope would have it and find a way


This room is truly 'To Let'

With time and space you hope to get

Away from it all to recover and relieve

A shared space so hard to believe


to letshared spacesrooms

◄ These four walls

Our dying breath ►


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Lorraine Settanni

Thu 20th Mar 2025 15:33

Hi Rich, thank you for your image of a nurturing safe haven. I love the energy of your vision.

best wishes,

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