The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 17 days, 10 hours. Get details and Enter.

Certitfiably Demonic

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A  sad black heart

is in my sight today

vomiting dark pools of cloaked hatred

where the good, and innocent play

( thats us, in the sunshine )

vile bile, is the only thing he can display


we have stood here before in his acidically worded rain

with which he tries to wash away an honest world but does so in vain

( we pray for him )

we can only hope that God will break his link to insanity chains

( and we go on praying for him )

its our spiritual duty to help to end his self destructive pain

( task without end. Amen )



◄ Pondering the Solar term

At the hopeful gate of loves last straw ►


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Mon 24th Mar 2025 08:43

Just to say that I hope this poem didn't offend anyone?

Best regards to all the WOLsters!


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Sun 23rd Mar 2025 23:59

Great idea, Stephen, would that idea work on big Don, I wonder

Tom., Hugh, Stephen G., Stephen A, Aisha, Manish, Rolph.

thank you all for your time.

Best of my regards.


ps-you never miss hitting every nail of what I am trying to say.

Thank you sir!

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Stephen Gospage

Sun 23rd Mar 2025 17:11

Take away his Tesla, I reckon!

Rolph David

Sun 23rd Mar 2025 16:40

What I particularly love about your poem here is how it brings up a powerful contrast between innocence and darkness. The image of a "sad black heart" vomiting "dark pools of cloaked hatred" really stuck with me, as it shows how negativity can overwhelm someone, spilling out in harmful ways. The way the hatred tries to "wash away an honest world" but does so in vain feels like a statement on how no matter how destructive someone’s words or actions are, goodness can’t be erased. What I also found striking was the sense of compassion in the face of this darkness—the speaker’s hope that the person consumed by it will somehow be freed from his/her pain. The idea of continuing to pray for someone, despite their destructive nature, feels like a heavy but important duty. It’s like a reminder that fighting against negativity doesn’t just mean confronting it, but also holding onto hope and compassion, even when it seems like an endless task.

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Sun 23rd Mar 2025 12:39

Cheers Red, have a great day 👍

Best of regards.


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