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Slaughter In Gaza - Genocide

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Slaughter in Gaza
What does the world care
Life my friends is very cheap
That's the way it goes so there
While we all stand idly by
What happened to the United Nations
I hear you scream and cry 
Slaughter in Gaza
Open your eyes wide
The word is genocide 

Slaughter in Gaza
What did our prime minister say
Not a damn fucking word hey  
We all know the reason why 
We are supplying the firepower
As we watch the destruction on the hour
Slaughter in Gaza
Open your eyes wide
The word is genocide 

Slaughter in Gaza 
Was it an appropriate reply
Thousands of women and children die
What does it say about you and me
Look around at your family
Slaughter in Gaza
Open your eyes wide
The word is genocide 

Slaughter in Gaza
It's not just about Arab or Jew
Humanity stinks and hate is so true
Wipe the whole region off the map
God and Allah would stand and clap
Slaughter in Gaza
Open your eyes wide
The word is genocide 

Slaughter in Gaza
One day war will knock on your door
Wake the fuck up don't take anymore
We are just pawns in a world order 
In the land of Jesus I despair 
Fuck religion I no longer care
Slaughter in Gaza
Open your eyes wide
The word is genocide


◄ Out Of My Mind


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Tom Doolan

Tue 25th Mar 2025 13:12

Thanks for likes: Red Brick Keshner, Manish, Naomi & K. Lynn. 👍

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Tom Doolan

Mon 24th Mar 2025 17:38

Many thanks Tom for your feedback. It beggars belief that our so called leaders turn a blind eye to this suffering. Hopefully Karma will prevail. What goes around comes around. 🙂

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Mon 24th Mar 2025 14:40

Tom, can you or anyone else tell me, what have these murderers learned from the holocaust?

shall I tell you?

How easy it has been for them, to become Nazified.

I'm also wondering how many times the victims of the Holocaust have been rolling in their graves?
and is Netanyahu ever likely to ever face charges for Genocidal war crimes? methinks, never!

those poor poor people of Gaza omg! my heart and soul goes out to every one of them.

Thanks for keeping the reminders on the front burner Tom.

Very best of my regards to you.


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