once long, long ago
people formed opinions
and shared them freely with
friends and neighbours
down the pub,
outside a local shop,
or simply moaned across
the garden fence,
the news, views, opinions
spreading like wildfire
on the jungle telegraph,
fast forward, any
amount of years and
people still have strong
opinions but now share
them emphatically with
the world at large, with
people they don’t and
will never get to know,
views and opinions now
called content, created
from the ether and sent
back into the ether
with bells on!
our world now awash with
venom, anger, rage and hate
has little content but more
than enough discontent!
few know their neighbours
local shops are closed
pubs too are now fewer
and far between, so
we have all become
creators, have all become
the new prophets with
mixed messages for all
the world
© Graham R Sherwood 3/25
Thu 27th Mar 2025 09:48
Certainly a great way of constructing a title Graham 👍
I recall a poem from years ago using the same technique composed by a young African lady who we have heard had sadly passed away ( pancreatic cancer )
Her poem was about the death of David Bowie
The title-D( iscontinuance )avids.
I think it is likely that more poets will begin using that technique.
Best of my regards. Have a great day.