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Not 'Drive' by The Cars

We had to reduce carbon emissions,

So Brussels told the EU we must use

More biofuel. The Americans

With their huge cornfields, how could they refuse

Al Gore’s warnings? Also, how to defuse

The terrorist bomb by not buying oil

From the Middle East? There’s no need for clues:

Of course they’d grow a feast of biofuel.

This all seemed great to westerners, but cruel

To the rest, the starvers. Millions of tons

Of harvested grain that their plates would lose,

Their fates again decided by our loyal

Leaders, chasing votes and obeying friends

In government and business. Hardly news.

◄ Ain't life a bitch?

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<Deleted User> (4281)

Fri 9th May 2008 07:49

Antonio, there is lots of oil in Canada. The problem with the oil here is that needs to excrete from the oil sands. The process is very costly, but in Fort Mac Murray the production of oil is ongoing. All of it goes to USA, and we have to purchase back from them so we pay through our noses for the litre of gasoline...This is true and surely makes me think where is the sense in all of this? You have brought great subject in your poem, as it is current dilemma. I am not sure how Europe deals with the cost for oil. Really have no clue, but here everything is soaring- Food doubled the prices, as we do not grow much of veggies and wheat in our Country because the season of vegetation is to short. All imports from other Countries, which is more expensive yet? Thank you for the fantastic write.

Kind Regards,

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clarissa mckone

Fri 9th May 2008 00:38

Cool poem, but I dont think they let Americans, vote on the issue. I will say that tree huggers did push it through and loby for it. Democrats were more for it, then republicans. I believe brazil uses it more, but its made from sugar cane.Most Americans are really pissed off by the deal, signed into action in 05 by congress and passed off to Bush, a total fool, that purchased his college diploma, to sign.
Things will not change as long as greed and power mongers rule the world. you made me have to think, great stuff man! thanks

<Deleted User> (4744)

Thu 8th May 2008 21:05

Lets not forget that Ethanol is even more damaging to the environment than oil when used as a fuel. No easy solution, but as long as it wins votes... they don't care.

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Jeff Dawson

Thu 8th May 2008 19:02

Stark reality, great stuff, cheers Jeff

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