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Some Like It Hot Once A Year

Spring sun, divine celestial orb on high

Oh bloody hell, am I sunburnt or what?

That’s typical British, to auto-fry

Soon as the sun comes out, coz diddly squat

Is what we usually get. It’s what we got

Last year, remember? Course you remember

That worst summer, that bummer, with a lot

Of floods and not much else. Hell, some summer.

So tops off lads while ye may, and simmer

Hey, look at those girls… oops! Nearly crashed. (Die

In agony caused by totty, tut tut…)

Of Californian glamour, a glimmer

I need to rest my happy tired eye,

And lie naked in double bed of sweat

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<Deleted User> (4281)

Mon 12th May 2008 04:32

Antonio, great poem; Seems as if you have a wonderful weather over there... Here no show offs and no speeding at all, the police ticketing quite high for the people who do speed. Nice reflection in your writing - summer time well presented in a form of a clear picture well imprinted in your poem.


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clarissa mckone

Mon 12th May 2008 03:11

Hi Antonio, great poem about summer, I read about the floods yall had, as I bathed in sun all summer long, near 100 degrees for 2 monthes, was so nice, as long as a fan was on or the AC! Ha, you guys are nuts,never crash a car for a chick, there will always be hot chicks around every corner.But hot does not mean good in heart and mind.So control of mind and body would be wise, for men. great write!

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Jeff Dawson

Mon 12th May 2008 01:19

Great stuff, like it, reminds me how many near misses I've had just managing to stop before hitting the car in front!! We wouldn't change it though would we!

Thanks for your comments on my poem. You're right those answerable will inevitably be driven by material things rather than life, much appreciated, Jeff

Pete Crompton

Sun 11th May 2008 23:13

Love it.
Love 'auto-fry' idea.

yes yes the totty crashes!!! Not just me then! all us men!! good idea. yes they all put on the summer dresses. super. and we crash our cars gawpin. love it.

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