His Majesty Accident
Accidental meetings,
accidental greetings,
accidental walks,
accidental talks,
accidental questions,
accidental answers..
What has happened?
Meetings, greetings,
walks and talks,
questions and answers
stopped being accidental.
Life has become sentimental.
Love has rushed into the circle
and quickly closed it.
Sleepless nights appeared,
calmness disappeared.
“I love you” instead of “hi”,
a wish to inspire,
a stream of desire,
a heart is on fire,
a wish to fly.
His Majesty Accident governs the Land,
playing games which were not planned.
It sometimes gives us another chance:
to live, to love, to be happy and dance.
It sometimes goes up, sometimes down,
it sometimes gives us a crown.
Everyone waits for an accident,
everyone wishes the happy end.
Larisa R ( Odessa, Ukraine)
Cynthia Buell Thomas
Thu 26th Aug 2010 10:35
So - Accident in this poem is defined as cause and effect, while Chance links more closely to Fate (Inevitability), which point you did not pursue in the poem. In fact, you carefully avoided it. Therefore, your last sentence below is a conundrum. Yes? No?