The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 12 hours. Get details and Enter.

Lovely chum

entry picture

The hand ballet,

your bright mind dancing,

fingers singing,

fashioning passion

from thin air,

soul gestures,

laying hold of hope,

dismissing despair,

daring to delve, wisely

into the whys,

caressing the future,

sculpting life.


While I sit with

arms crossed

like a cripple

at a ceilidh.

Admiring, longing.

◄ Onion

Biting the Bullet. Prize follow-up to Pandora ►


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Cynthia Buell Thomas

Sun 29th Aug 2010 14:45

Outstanding, Dave, a real jewel to be revisited many times.
Is there a meaning of 'chum' beyond 'friend'?

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Lynn Dye

Sun 29th Aug 2010 11:26

Love this, Dave. It does get the imagination conjuring up images. Really good poem xx

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Sun 29th Aug 2010 10:45

Some people do have fascinating ways of expressing themselves - hands being a great one. I think I told you about the person I knew whose every sentence was prefaced by a tongue poking out - most disconcerting - a horrid habit - I'm amazed no-one told him about it. I digress.... nice poem x

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Sun 29th Aug 2010 01:32

Mmmm... Lovely one.
Leaves a lot to the imagination... to make that move ; )

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