The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.

An Ode to a Poet

entry picture

If I move from this place then the rhyme will be lost

like the dreams when you move from the bed. All the lessons

we’ve learned between slumber and light are the truths, 

never making the pages of knowing. 

All we have are these caves living deep in our minds

Where potholes are many and where entities speak, on their own

in the dark. Here the hand has to steer very close to the soul

or it writes on regardless ever emptying out.

All these dreams, they’re for us to pass on when we die 

so that others can read as they journey thereafter. Your words

lit up cities where I chose to roam. A much needed distraction,

one I’ve treasured so long. 

Your mind softened the pain when I got stuck

When these caves heard my cries all alone in the dark

You lit paths for me there when the lights went out and you reached for

my hand when the rains came down

So while you are a poet who is still undead

and the clocks on the walls tick around my longing 

Show me your pages that remain unread and bring light to these caves 

where my soul is crawling..... 


◄ Astray

Truths Untold ►


<Deleted User> (5646)

Sat 14th Jun 2008 06:19

As always, dear Allie, your poetry bowls me over. Whatever you write brings sensations up from the pit of my stomach. ( in the nicest possible way of course.) lovely to read. xx

<Deleted User> (5984)

Thu 12th Jun 2008 10:17

I really like the dark imagery in this poem, the dark caves and i particularly liked the last page.


<Deleted User> (4281)

Wed 11th Jun 2008 02:01

Dear Ally

The picture you have chosen is amazing!!
This almost shows a full ellipse of the Moon.



<Deleted User> (4281)

Wed 11th Jun 2008 01:59


Your poem shines!
It has depth of feelings and emotions. It shows the poet that enjoys being with the group of other writers, beautifully penned. Thank you for the special ‘ODE TO POET' It is wonderful piece of poetry. GREAT JOB!!!

Thank you,

Profile image

Jeff Dawson

Tue 10th Jun 2008 21:37

Hi Ally, very thought provoking and deep as we are! like it and lovely pic! Jeff

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