The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.


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No touch of life

No breath of grace

Closed eyes   

No smile

Death ends all.


A moulded face

A moment paused

No desire

No hope

Death ends all.

◄ Must be the season of the witch

Shoeless ►


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Elaine Booth

Mon 8th Nov 2010 21:00

Very sobering poem but liked it a lot.

<Deleted User> (7164)

Mon 8th Nov 2010 12:59

Oh my god! It's mi' Aunty Mary :-)
Always wondered where she'd got to.x

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Ann Foxglove

Mon 8th Nov 2010 05:33

What a story and what a face. She has a beautific smile. I love this poem. And also the idea behind it - and I guess, having done a first aid course a few years ago, I may have pressed my lips against hers too!

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winston plowes

Mon 8th Nov 2010 00:15

love the back story, and the poem. thx Win x

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Sun 7th Nov 2010 21:52

The brevity of your words work well with the fascinating story behind the mask. The mystery of both the young woman and the mask leaves you wondering...

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Sun 7th Nov 2010 21:48

Simple and stark Carole. I like the title - it is sad though. Bad enough to lose your life - worse to lose your identity.

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Sun 7th Nov 2010 21:33

this is a cheery little number eh , brought about by the epitaph poems on write out loud , and remembrance sunday and samhain , well you know ,, i was thinking about death masks and looked them up on wiki , l'inconnue du seine was a mask made of a young woman found in the seine , which amazingly to me as a nurse was the first face on the resuci anni cpr dolls so i may have given her mouth to mouth I originaly titled the poem death mask but my freind chris neale suggested using the masks title

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