£10,000 Manchester Fiction Prize, 2011
Under the direction of Carol Ann Duffy, MMU’s Writing School launches its second Manchester Fiction Prize of £10,000 for the best short story, open internationally to new and established writers 16+.
Submit a story up to 3,000 words on any subject, any style, but must be fiction and new work, not published elsewhere during this competition. Prizes are awarded as part of the 2011 Manchester Literature Festival and the competition is judged by Heather Beck, John Burnside, Alison MacLeod and Nicholas Royle.
Deadline: 12th August 2011
Entry fee: £15
Entry form/further information: http://www.manchesterwritingcompetition.co.uk/fiction or contact James Draper on +44 (0) 161 247 1787 or j.draper@mmu.ac.uk.