Bloodrush interrupts the silence,
a sudden offence to the still.
Cocooned in marshmallow,
foetal and calm,
i breathe.
I breathe in unison with my
beating heart,
a soothing constant to
pacify me awhile.
Briefly satisfied,
I sleep.
I sleep,
restless and fretful,
no longer eased by bloodrush.
Silence given over to the
tormented wail of my dream.
I fight.
I fight to emerge from
the once welcomed comfort of sleep.
Limbs thrashing and sweat-soaked,
truth and relief realised,
I breathe.
Laura Taylor
Tue 12th Apr 2011 16:23
Night terrors? That last verse rings horribly true to me.
Love that first verse - a sudden offence to the still.