The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.

Expressions so Deep

entry picture

As I sit with you here

spelling out every tear

Telling mind heart and soul

of the things that I fear

Here we share common ground

breaking down

touching base

All the knowledge we seek 

manifests in this place

As the day falls to night

we submerge to let go 

Any boundaries of mind

soon expand in the flow

Thoughts implode in us now

Running concepts like streams

and expressions of doubt

become positive dreams

How you waken in me

What I’ve let slip through time

Staring deep in your soul

I reveal what’s in mine

There’s a message in here

once revealed in a kiss

just as powerful now

and confirms all of this

These expressions so deep

travel right to the core

Each deliver a sign

Too profound to ignore

So we meet in this place

to explore things outside

These expressions so deep

hold the feelings we hide


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Ann Foxglove

Tue 24th Nov 2009 19:51

I find the rythmns here truly mesmerising. They get me even before I've had time to take in the language or the meaning. (The picture of the gull and the sea is beautiful too.)

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Wed 11th Mar 2009 03:32

So eloquently put into words... I love the lines

'How you waken in me

What I’ve let slip through time'

<Deleted User> (5646)

Sun 14th Sep 2008 22:18

Hi Alison,
sorry, i missed this one as you posted it the last day of august.
Lovely to see your poetry here again, and with a beautifully written, very deeply heartfelt piece.
You sure know how to hit all the right notes.
Love Janet.xx

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Jeff Dawson

Sun 7th Sep 2008 20:31

Hi Alison, great to see you back in action, love this, my knida stuff, last stanza especially cuts deep, best wishes Jeff

<Deleted User> (4281)

Tue 2nd Sep 2008 17:15

Hello Alison ~Glad you are with us …Welcome back!
Your poem is thought provoking. It gives the reader chance to think what’s going to happen next. A great picture of two people that sharing thoughts, life and perhaps love. You do not say this but I feel the discreet thoughts can be read between lines.

Excellent poem!

Thank you,

darren thomas

Mon 1st Sep 2008 09:16

It's great to see you back Alison. Hope things are well?

This is a cryptic message to somebody? OR this is a message to yourself or to that person who dwells inside you who you're torn against? As usual, it got me thinking.

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