The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.


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I want to throw myself away into the graceful light of words

And cast my soul among the waves that sweep into the sea of knowing
Where wisdom breaks against the shore to fill the void that never sleeps
Cooling these fires inside my soul that keep my happiness from growing

I watch the rocks come tumbling down as children play between the wars

Somehow their smiles are all we have to see the love we leave behind

How we forsake ourselves and them sharpening our knives to make a point

As history’s scars swell in the sea buried beneath the sands of time

Before the dawn a thousand dreams escape the night where words are stars 

Too deft for man’s uncharted gaze to grasp the meaning they bestow

Close to the beacon in a storm another ship will break its bow 

To join the wreckage of our past among the failures we all know

Could you be me and I be you trading our sands for distant shores

And navigate some hope to fall in one another’s darkened mind

Through open portals to the sea where storms may finally come to rest

The winds of change could carry peace for us to seek to dream to find

So come with me and be astray where words will bring us back to love

And cast our hearts among the waves that sweep into the sea of knowing
Where wisdom breaks against the shore to fill the void that never sleeps
Cooling these fires inside the soul that keep all happiness from growing


◄ Expressions so Deep

Waiting at the Door ►


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Lynn Dye

Mon 15th Oct 2012 16:22

Hi Alison, only just discovered this, and have to say how much I enjoyed. It is simply beautiful.

<Deleted User> (8286)

Mon 14th Jun 2010 14:22

This is simply beautiful...
A perfect peace...


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Dave Bradley

Sun 19th Jul 2009 17:25

Hello Alison

Only just discovered this. Totally agree with Francine, Melissa & Jeff. When are you going to post again?

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Wed 11th Mar 2009 18:29

This is so incredibly beautiful... every time I read it I am in awe...

<Deleted User> (4235)

Sun 22nd Feb 2009 20:58

A breathtaking piece with a beautiful picture to flow poetically with each and every word. Well-done. :)

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Jeff Dawson

Tue 10th Feb 2009 22:19

Hi Alison, this was well worth waiting for!

Such lovely words and feelings portrayed, I felt myself drifitng on that boat! Jeff X

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Anthony Emmerson

Tue 3rd Feb 2009 13:57

Hi alison.
Thanks for stopping by to comment on "The Lavender Path." I thought that one had sunk without a trace! I guess the idea was that a scent should spark a specific, happy memory to give a passing soul direction. Fanciful I know, but an interesting idea to play with.
I just had a wander through your work for the first time - it's a BIG site and difficult to see everything. What strikes me about what you write are the ethereal romantic qualities you bring to your subjects - a gentle hand exploring the big ideas and themes of life. I often find that poetry written in the first person can easily veer off into the self-indulgent, but you manage to avoid this well. I know it's something I struggle with, and therefore rarely attempt. There is a pleasing depth to what you write which is borne out by several re-reads. Much enjoyed.

<Deleted User> (5646)

Tue 6th Jan 2009 12:47

Hi Alison,
I agree, it's great to see your work here again.
This particular one is very deep emotionally and has some fantastic imagery for my taste.
Personally, i don't think the content is so very different from others you posted. Just the format.
As usual, i feel the beauty of your soul in your work and that goes a long way towards the beauty of your poetry.
Love Janet.x

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Mon 5th Jan 2009 22:22

Allison, I'm fairly new to the site (not necessarily write our loud). If this is the quality of poetry I am placed among, then I am honoured. I have a fair ways to go to be up to this kind of standard, nevertheless I shall continue, inspired by poems such as this. I only have one criticism, and that is probably born of greed; so enthralled by your words, I felt that the last two sentences need not have been repeats, i felt that the poem would have been even more potent, should it have ended with new lines. I think you get my drift. You have a new fan - Big Smiles. x

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Alison Mary Dunn

Mon 5th Jan 2009 18:15

Thanks guys, as you already know, your comments mean a lot. Possessive apostrophe gone Darren! Thanks again..

darren thomas

Mon 5th Jan 2009 08:55

Hi Alison - great to see you back. This has great rhythm and meter and a good use of lexicon. It is different from how I remember your previous contributions but that sense of 'enigma' remains in your work.
Just one thing - 'it's' may be better suited as 'its' without the possessive apostrophe. That's the only thing that jarred the reading for me.
I'm a fan of your work - it's always more than one dimension.

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clarissa mckone

Mon 5th Jan 2009 00:36

HI Alison, I have really enjoyed this poem, its very good and seems different from your others in the past. hope you had a good new year.

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