This is where she keeps her objet d’art
glass cabinet at the back of her head
nowhere to display them
I’m a front room, Christmas, 50’s. 60’s
maybe into the 70’s and I ask
what was the front room for?
English clipped tones and a mother not
unlike my own through china eyes of an owl
bought as a Christmas present
cut glass sherry glass silver bells
tinkle: who has front rooms nowadays
nowhere display them
I live in a flat. Not completing
sentences: you live in a house
do you have a front room?
Or have you
knocked through the history of
the English language is the struggle
between freedom and prescription. Do
neighbours stare through windows
at the speechless furniture? We weren’t
allowed in the front room sent
to the auction house and prepositions
not for ending a sentence with
nowhere to display
happened to back parlours front rooms
the Middle English Vowel Shift
they’re not for living in
Never ask the way
of someone who knows the glottal stop
has gradually entered Standard English
from the dialect one day we took the walls
down around the front room. Leave the
coats in the bedroom would anyone like
a drink you risk not getting lost
nowhere display
however much
you dusted the Spode the Queen’s English
never drove down your street but she
visited the front room 1953
your first TV
split infinitives a ghostly flicker
in the corner of the room
Steven Waling
Thu 29th Dec 2011 13:39
Thanks everyone for you comments - and Chris - I probably didn't 'intend' the fugue thing because I didn't really know what one is, but I think you correctly got the musical intention.
I'm a strong believer that poems should connote more than they denote.
I'm glad y'all enjoyed it.